Nepean Nighthawks

Press Release

For Immediate Release:

DateMarch  5, 2018

Contact:  Anil Chopra




The Nepean Nighthawks Field Hockey Club is pleased to announce the appointment of its new Board of Directors: 

President:  Anil Chopra
Anil will focus on the division of work between the board of directors, equipment and uniforms, and assisting in the general operations of the club.

Secretary:  Sandra Randall
Sandra will be keeping our club organized as well as crafting and reviewing our club policies and general operations.

Treasurer:  Courtney Watson
Courtney is heading up our finances for the club and will also lend her expertise in Umpring, to help build out our overall training of our young umpires.

Director:  Sandeep Chopra (Program Director)
Sandeep will be focusing his attention on various aspects of Nighthawk programs, including Player Development, Coaching and Trainers, Umpiring and Officials, Competitions

Director: Mike Semenick (Communications)
Mike brings brings us his experience to help consolidate our communications strategy for the club, including the web site, newsletters, social media, media relations & advertising and how we communicate across our different teams.

Director: Maureen Chopra (Allocations & Scheduling)
Maureen will heading up the acquisition acquiring all of our field allocations and organizing our scheduling for all of our teams.

 Director: Aman Dhaliwal (Events and Tournament)
Aman will focus on all of our event planning and the Nighthawk Tournament organization. This includes promotion, organizing volunteers, our umpires and our leagues and of course food!

 We all look forward to serving the field hockey community in Ottawa and helping to represent our City at the provincial and national levels.  We continue to focus on player development, life- long play and love of the sport of field hockey. 

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