Looking for a part time job or volunteer hours?
The Nepean Nighthawks Spring program is seeking trainers for all Nighthawks Club programs for 2019. Up to twelve trainers will be hired to run sessions based on age and experience. Trainers must be either certified or in the process of gaining official Ontario Coaches Association / FHO certification.
Applicants under 16 years of age will eligible for volunteer hours.
Certified Applicants 16 years or older of age will be paid: $15/ hour.
Successful Candidates will report to the Head Nepean Nighthawks Trainer and will be required to attend a monthly trainer session.
All applicants must be Field Hockey Ontario or equivalent association members and must submit a police records check.
Please follow this link to the application form https://goo.gl/forms/xV4th77y6THi3bhI3
The Nepean Nighthawks are a community organization dedicated to the promotion of field hockey in a safe inclusive environment.
Deadline for applications is March 27, 2019 Questions can be directed to Sandeep.chopra@nepeanfieldhockey.ca